Manga Volume One
The Monster Club TCG story begins!
Dive into the story of ‘the most relaxed trading card game in the world’ like never before!
Over 55 pages of Monster Club story
in more than 300 panels of mystery & monstrous humor.
The Monster Club TCG story begins!
Dive into the story of ‘the most relaxed trading card game in the world’ like never before!
Over 55 pages of Monster Club story
in more than 300 panels of mystery & monstrous humor.
The Monster Club TCG story begins!
Dive into the story of ‘the most relaxed trading card game in the world’ like never before!
Over 55 pages of Monster Club story
in more than 300 panels of mystery & monstrous humor.
Unravel the secrets of the 1969 tomb discovery
An unbeatable game, a collapsed tomb, a Djin of the great Alsahra and monsters amongst men. As Ray takes his first steps into the modern world the forgotten tale of a three-eyed half god follows as if its shadow. Attracting curious individuals with even stranger motives of power, fame and the prevention of the end of the world...
Watch the trailer
Dive into the original story of 'the most relaxed trading card game in the world'!
The Monster Club manga is written in traditional Japanese manga format. That’s why you read it from the top right to the bottom left. “Why this format?” You ask! Well... A change of perspective keeps the brain fresh & healthy! Now who could be against that?
If this traditional format is new to you: not to worry! You'll get used to this approach in no time!
Monster Club manga is made of 100% recycled material. That's great for you & monsters around you ☘️!
Manga book dimensions are 4,13 inch x 5,83 (105mm x 148mm)
The Monster Club manga is written in English language.